Latest News
Round 2 – OMRRA/WMRRA Points Matching
Round 2 is just around the corner! OMRRA & WMRRA structure points slightly different for our rounds. Please use the Class Matching Key to ensure you understand your points for our first joint round of 2021! May2021 Joint Round Matchup -
Registration for Round 1 is OPEN!
Registration for Round #1 is now open! You can sign-up through Track Intel, as normal, and the deadline to avoid a late fee is 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 21st. As of this writing, PIR has removed the 250 person limit we experienced
February 2021 Board of Directors Meeting *Rescheduled*
Due to ongoing power issues in the Portland Metro area, the February Board of Directors meeting is being rescheduled for Thursday, February 18th at 7pm. Zoom link below. Where: Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 969 0512 0620 https://zoom.us/j/96905120620 One tap mobile +1-253-215-8782,,96905120620# Time: 7:00 p.m.
The 2021 OMRRA Season Starts Today
Hello OMRRA, The craziness that was 2020 is nearly at its conclusion, which means all of our race bikes are tucked away for the winter, and the long wait to the first green flag of the 2021 season is underway. Next year's
2020 OMRRA Holiday Ornament
Visit our store to get your 2020 OMRRA holiday ornament! Visit our store here!